Important information for purchasers of "Fundamentals of Sailplane Design"

In late 2013, a self-published book, "Wanda the Witch" by "Amelia Picklewiggle" began appearing in various databases under the ISBN assigned in 1999 to "Fundamentals of Sailplane Design." Both the author/publisher and her printer blame each other for the problem.

Therefore, when purchasing "Fundamentals of Sailplane Design" from any source, be sure to specify the book by title in addition to ISBN. We regret the inconvenience this has caused and are doing everything we can to address the problem.

If you ordered "Fundamentals of Sailplane Design" from any vendor and instead received a copy of the Picklewiggle "Wanda the Witch" (or vice versa), we would like to hear from you! Contact us at Thank you.

(Note, an unrelated book bearing the same title, "Wanda the Witch" by Richard Spalding, does bear a properly assigned ISBN.)

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Last update: March 3, 2014 (Monday)

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